


Tofu doughnuts

It rained all day long this weekend. I promised my son that we would walk to the doughnut shop in this weekend. We can't go because of the rain. But he wanted to go and cry, so we decided to make doughnuts. Then it was already 11:30 am ,an…


I read the book my friend wrote. I went outside and read it on the bench. It was a bit windy, I felt that spring was coming. I read chapter 3 and 4. They were very interesting. Mistery is a story that a character finds out about an insiden…

House works

My husband has changed his jobs and he is very busy now. I have to look after our kids and do the housework. Cooking is the hardest part of housework. I have many things to do so I have to cook in a very short time. And I cook lunchboxes f…

Go outside

I read the book my friend wrote.Yesterday was warm and comfortable, so I went outside and read it on the bench. Her book is about Mutsumoto Seityo and Japanese culture after World War second. In Chapter 1, she researched about the weekly m…

Mount Izunayama

I climbed Mount Idunayama with my kid. There was only a little snow in halfway up, but in after halfway up there was still a lot of snow . The most dengerous part is climbing down in the path covered in melting snow. We kept slipping, and …


池谷裕二『寝る脳は風邪をひかない』(扶桑社、2022)を読みました。 面白かったポイントを簡単に紹介します。 授業や仕事に使えること そもそも私たち人間は、新しい習慣に慣れるのにどのくらいかかるのでしょうか。(略)各個人や各項目ごとによって違いは…

My sister's house

I visited my younger sister's house with my kids. Her house is completely clean. She has been good at organising and cleaning since she was a child. My kids played with her kids. Communicating with relatives is good for their growth. I als…

Hataraku Saibo

My son loves the cartoon "Hataraku Saibo",in which human cells are drawn as characters. Our body's cells are always protecting our body from viruses and bacteria. This cartoon draws this system like wars. My son enjoyed these stories,and g…


みくろママ『狭い家でも「ゆとりある暮らし」は仕組みが9割』(三笠書房2020)を読みました。 この本を、家事の指南書として読みました。とても面白かったです。参考になったトピックをまとめます。 全ての部屋を24時間フル活用 学習机を辞めて子どもの勉強…

Hoppo Shijin

As ever I read "Hoppo Shijin" every day. Yesterday, I found some surprising articles. This was published in 1936,and it was written about Miyazawakenji. I had never read these articles before. And they tell me What the old poets thought of…

Mt Azumayasan

I climbed Mt Azumayasann with my son. Mt Azumayasan is near Sugadaira. The height of this mountain is 2354m,but it's not dangerous,and the route is not so long. My son used a simple clampon, it was enough to climb. We took 4 hours to climb…

Plum trees

I walked to pick up my kid . Yesterday is a bit warm, My kid took off his globe on the way home. He talked to me about a lot of things. For example, he ate a star-shaped croquet, he saw a very old trak, the front parts of which were broken…